
Note: after I wrote about my struggle with and desire to trust God (read it here), I got a lot of feedback from you! Apparently, that’s a subject that a lot of people resonate with. It makes sense: as humans, we have that internal conflict between our desire to please ourselves, and the desire to…


I’m going to be very vulnerable in this post. Change, decisions, trials, opportunities, and setbacks have all made an appearance in my life lately. I’ve been trying to find balance in the chaos, direction in the confusion, peace in my troubled heart. And I haven’t had much success. Trust. God’s been breathing that word in my…

A Day Out

She walks. I thread amidst crowds of people, lingering, shopping, laughing in the crisp air. One foot in front of the other, down the sidewalk, into the wind. Hair blowing, I pause at a storefront here and there, but choose not to enter. Someone’s perfume reaches me in the breeze; it’s too strong but I…

Life and Death

Life is so precious. We know that and store it in our brains as a fact. But we often don’t realize how valuable life is until we experience loss, whether that is a personal near-death experience or the loss of a loved one. Let me back up a few weeks. News of yet another school…

The Stage (a poem)

The Stage Haley Seboe I stand on a stage, and the whole world is mine. The valley before me waits for the spotlight of the sun. I came to perform my poetry, but now I am silent. I hesitate, but only a coward would run.   Velvety aisles of wild grass climb to laugh at…

Donald Trump, Respect, and Christ-like Humility

Today I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed when I came to a post that immediately drew my attention. The person who had written it was communicating their feelings (with plenty of expletives) towards the America’s new president, Donald Trump. As you have probably gathered, these feelings were not positive. The strong language immediately…

New Year Reflections

New Years Resolutions. I love them. And I hate them. They appeal to my organized, scheduled, planning personality. I like making plans and checklists and envisioning a “better me”. But it is inevitable… look at my plans and checklists thirty days later and rarely find action or follow up to my carefully written resolutions. Last…

Rogue One Review

Light sabers. Bravery. Giant spaceships. Battles throughout the universe. Lovable droids. The force. The Star Wars movies have become a beloved part of our culture. With an original plot and lovable characters, Rogue One builds on the legacy that Star Wars has created. In A New Hope, Princess Leia reminds a rebel soldier that many…

Are You Thankful for the Bible?

I’ve been reading Titus lately and today something that jumped out at me was the way Paul encouraged the Christians in leadership to “hold fast” the Word of God. “He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke…

Examples of Christian Leadership from Titus (and my parents!)

I’ve been reading through Titus lately, and today these verses stuck out to me: Titus 2:1-5 (NASB) But as for you, speak the things which refitting for sound doctrine. Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance. Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not…